Favoritele lunii aprilie/ April favorites 2015

Buna fetelor!/ Hey girls!

Azi vreau sa va prezint favoritele lunii aprilie (super-intarziate 😛 ). Sa incepem!

Today I want to show you my (super delayed :P) April favorites. Let’s get started!


1. Ingrijire&machiaj/Beauty&make-up 


  • Indola sampon Kera Restore/ Indola Kera Restore shampoo


Un sampon profesional foarte bun, de care sunt foarte multumita. Review aici.

A professional shampoo that I love and enjoy using. Review here.

  • Indola  Balsam Reparator/ Indola Repair Conditioner


Balsamul reparator de la Indola este ajutorul meu de nadejde pentru descurcarea parului, care cateodata se incalceste ingrozitor. Review aici.

I love the Indola repair conditioner because it helps me untangle my hair and brush it easily. Review here.

  • Indola spray-balsam de par dupa soare/ Indola after sun hair rescue spray-conditioner


Un balsam sub forma de spray, care nu necesita clatire si care imi protejeaza parul de razele UV. Perfect pentru a fi folosit in momentul expunerii prelungite la soare. Review aici.

A leave-in spray conditioner that protects my hair from the UVs. It’s perfect to be used when you stay a longer period of time in the sun. Review here.

  • Sephora gel de dus cremos cu ceai verde/ Sephora creamy body wash with green tea


In primul rand trebuie sa va spun ca ador produsele cosmetice care miros a ceai verde, imi place, in special, aroma de ceai verde al cosmeticelor marca Sephora. In al doilea rand acest gel de dus este si cremos. Deci clar este un favorit.

In the first place I must tell you that I love cosmetics with green tea extract, I especially like the green tea scent from Sephora. In the second place this body wash is creamy too, so it’s definitely a favorite.

  • Mayam ulei de migdale/ Mayam almond oil


Acest ulei mi-a salvat tenul cand acesta era extrem de dezhidratat si descuamat pe alocuri. In luna aprilie l-am folosit in fiecare seara in locul cremei hidratante.

This almond oil saved my skin when it was severely dehydrated. In April I used it every night instead of a face cream.

  • Ser antiimperfectiuni Gerovital Happiness cu extract de afine/ Gerovital Happiness anti-imperfections serum with blueberry extract


Am fost foarte placut impresionata de faptul ca, dupa aplicarea acestui ser sub forma de gel, tenul meu arata mai luminos.  In ceea ce priveste inlaturarea imperfectiunilor nu am observat vreo imbunatatire, dar per total este un produs care imi place.

I was impressed by the fact that this product made my skin brighter and fresh looking. I didn’t see any improvements regarding my skins imperfections, but overall it’s a product that I like.

  • Essence pudra compacta matifianta in nuanta 04 perfect beige/ Essence mattifying compact powder in the shade 04 perfect beige


Ador produsele care fac exact ceea promit sa faca  si mai au si un pret mai mult decat decent. Aceasta pudra de la Essence se incadreaza in aceasta categorie.

I love products that do exactly what is written on the package and that also have a more then decent price. This Essence powder belongs to this category.

  • Ruj Essence in nuanta Porcelain Doll/ Essence lipstick in the shade Porcelain Doll


Aveam nevoie de un ruj nude in colectie, iar acesta de la Essence este in nuanta potrivita.

I needed a nude lipstick in my collection, and this one by Essence is in the perfect shade.


  • Balsam de buze Maybelline Baby Lips/ Maybelline Baby Lips lip balm


Stiu ca sunt maniaca cand vine vorba de balsamurile de buze, dar nu ma pot abtine :). Cred ca as putea scrie o postare intreaga despre colectia mea de balsamuri de buze. Adinuta, draga mea, cred ca tu ma intelegi :).

I know!I’m a maniac when it comes to lip balms, but I can’t help it. I think I could write a whole post about my lip balm colection. Adinuta, my dear, I know that you can feel me :).

2. Haine, pantofi, accesorii/ Clothes, shoes, accessories

  • Ghete sport Nike Air Force 1/ Nike Air Force 1 Sneakers


Am o regula in ceea ce priveste pantofii sport: trebuie sa fie albi! Pe acestia de la Nike i-as purta non-stop, atata sunt de comozi si versatili. Mi i-am dorit din prima clipa in care i-am vazut (adica dragoste la prima vedere, nu? 🙂 ).

Regarding the sport shoes I have a rule: they must be white! I love these sneakers from Nike: they are comfortable and versatile. I wanted them from the first moment I saw them (love at first sight, right? 🙂 ).

3.Diverse/ Random

  • Piesa lunii aprilie/ April’s favorite song

Am ascultat pe repeat acesta melodie in luna ce a trecut. Delia este o artista completa.

This is the song that I have listened to on repeat last month. Delia is truly a complet artist.

  • Guacamole


Este un preparat foarte sanatos, hranitor si are un gust delicios. Mie imi place sa il consum cu paine prajita sau bruschete. Reteta de baza si sursa foto aici.

This is a very healthy, nutrient and very good tasting dish. I like to eat it with toasted bread or bruschettes. The basical recipe and photo source here.


Asta a fost tot pentru azi!Ne „vedem” data viitoare :).

That’s all for today! „See” you next time.

Aveti grija de voi/ Take care,


PS. Mai jos aveti o lista cu link-urile unde pot fi gasite unele produse din postare (click pe numele produsului care va intereseaza).

You can find a list of the links where you can find a part of the products from the post (click on the name of the product you are interested).

  1. Indola sampon Kera Restore/ Indola Kera Restore shampoo
  2. Indola Balsam Reparator/ Indola Repair Conditioner
  3. Indola spray-balsam de par dupa soare/ Indola after sun hair rescue spray-conditioner
  4. Sephora gel de dus cremos cu ceai verde/ Sephora creamy body wash with green tea
  5. Mayam ulei de migdale/ Mayam almond oil
  6. Ser antiimperfectiuni Gerovital Happiness cu extract de afine/ Gerovital Happiness anti-imperfections serum with blueberry extract
  7. Essence pudra compacta matifianta in nuanta 04 perfect beige/ Essence mattifying compact powder in the shade 04 perfect beige
  8. Ruj Essence in nuanta Porcelain Doll/ Essence lipstick in the shade Porcelain Doll
  9. Ghete sport Nike Air Force 1/ Nike Air Force 1 Sneakers

22 de gânduri despre &8222;Favoritele lunii aprilie/ April favorites 2015&8221;

  1. anastasiias mai 12, 2015 / 7:34 pm

    I want to try Indola conditioner. Recently I was choosing between Schwarzkopf and Indola and choosed first one:)

    Apreciat de 1 persoană

  2. signaturebymm mai 13, 2015 / 3:52 pm

    Ce ma bucur sa vad o noua postare utila, draga Iulia! Mereu ne incanti cu asa ceva 🙂
    Ce frumosi sunt pantofii sport, inteleg perfect de ce i-ai purta non-stop :-D. Eu ador gelurile de dus de la Sephora, pe cel cu ceai verde inca nu l-am incercat, dar sper sa o fac cat de curand.
    Te pup, draga mea!

    Flowers and Pastel Colors

    Apreciat de 1 persoană

  3. Adina mai 15, 2015 / 2:02 pm

    In momentul in care citeam despre balsamul de buze ma intrebam in care buzunar se afla al meu:). Clar,nu pot renunta la asa ceva:)

    Apreciat de 1 persoană

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