My favorite Instagram accounts

Este o dimineata care a inceput mult prea devreme si incerc sa ma ghidez dupa mirosul de cafea, care vine din bucatarie. Nu am fost niciodata o persoana matinala si nici nu pretind ca voi fi vreodata, insa o cafea alaturi de mama merita orice sacrificiu. Inclusiv am lasat expresso-ul tare si aromat de acasa, pentru a savura cafeaua facuta la filtru, dar cu multa dragoste, de mama :). Cred ca acestea vor fi singurele clipe de ragaz in aceasta zi, pentru ca se anunta a fi una agitata. In momentul in care voi cititi aceste randuri, eu voi fi probabil in drum spre Fashion Tv Winter Festival,  care anul acesta se organizeaza la Brasov. Astept momentul acela, pentru ca pana atunci sigur ma voi hotari cu ce sa ma imbrac :)) (pentru ca momentan aceasta este o problema, sau mai bine spus o dilema). Insa mai multe despre acest eveniment si vibe-ul de la fata locului intr-un articol viitor.


It’s way to early in the morning for me, and the smell of fresh made coffee is trying to convince me to get out of bed. I’m not a morning person, and never been, but having coffee with mom in this morning it’s worth it. I even left my aromatic and strong expresso at home, and replaced it with my moms filled with love coffee. It seems that chating over coffee will be the only peaceful moment of the day. As a matter of fact, as you are reading this, I’m probably heading to the Fashion Tv Winter Festival, that is organized in my hometown, Brasov, this year. I can’t wait to go, because that means that I’m over my „what-to-wear-problem”, and I actually decided what to wear :))). But enough of this right now, I’ll share more about this and the event’s vibe in a future post.


Azi vreau sa va vorbesc despre cateva conturi de instagram care ma inspira si care imi fura un zambet de fiecare data, cand apar in news feed-ul meu. Ordinea este aleatorie.
Today I want to share with you some of my favorite Instagram accounts, that inspire me and make me smile, everytime they show up in my news feed. There’s no particular order.


Nu degeaba a castigat anul trecut premiul Digital Divas pentru Best Instagram Account. In afara de pozele fashion related, care mi se par geniale, contul Alinei are un stil special si o originalitate aparte. Gasiti blogul Alinei aici.
There’s a reason why her account won the prize for Best Instagram account in 2015 at the Digital Divas. Beside her fashion related photos, that I absolutely love, Alina’s account has something special and very original. You can find her personal blog here.




Pozele ei imi inspira mereu eleganta si stil. In afara faptului ca Andreea se imbraca extrem de bine si cu bun gust, imi bucura sufletul si cu multe elemente vintage, pe care le aduce in prim plan pe contul ei. O puteti gasi si pe blogul personal, precum si pe youtube.
Her pictures always look elegant and stylish. Beside the fact that she has great taste in clothing, she also loves vintage and you can see that in her photos. You can know more about her on her blog and on her youtube channel.




Andreea detine blogul, insa azi nu despre asta vreau sa va vorbesc, ci despre pasiunea ei pentru frumos, pentru fotografie si despre atentia la detalii, lucruri ce nu pot fi trecute cu vederea, chiar si la o simpla privire asupra contului ei de Instagram. Andreea este o persoana perfectionista si foarte directa, calitati pe care eu, personal,le apreciez la o persoana.
Andreea has a personal blog, but that’s not what I want to talk about today. I want to talk about her passion for beauty, for photographie and her attention for details. She is onest, speaks up everytime and wants everything to be perfect. I admire her for that.





Detinatoarea blogului si a magazinului online @ThatMonday, Andra este o calatoare profesionista, mereu in cautare de comori prin toate colturile lumii. Imaginile si peisajele postate de ea par ireale, dar personale in acelasi timp.

She is the owner of the blog and online store @ThatMonday, and she is a professional traveler, who finds the most interesting treasures no matter in what part of the world she is. The photos and landscapes on her page seem so unreal, but personal in the same time.





Andra se afla in spatele acestui cont, traieste in Sibiu si imi bucura privirea cu imagini superbe din acest oras, pe care doar un localnic le poate surprinde. Pe contul ei gasiti si poze dragute si girly, lucruri vintage si imagini din calatorii.
Andra is the owner of this account, she is from Sibiu and makes my heart pop for all the beautiful places she pictures from here, that you can only see true the eyes of someone who lives here. You can also see cute and girly things, vintage stuff and travel diaries.


Cam atat pentru azi, sa aveti un weekend minunat si ne vedem curand cu un nou articol :)!
That’s all for today, wish you a wonderful weekend and see you soon here with a new post :)!
Aveti grija de voi/ Take care,


14 gânduri despre &8222;My favorite Instagram accounts&8221;

  1. Teodora februarie 24, 2016 / 8:28 am

    Interesanta selectia si uite ca am aflat despre doua conturi noi care imi plac numai din scurtul preview facut de tine: Andra Oprea si Gugugagaland. Multumesc!

    Apreciat de 1 persoană

  2. loredanamanciu martie 23, 2016 / 9:13 am

    Pe primele 3 le urmaresc si eu si intr-adevar…poze geniale, tinute…atitudini!!! Femei cu personalitate!
    Pe ultimele doua le-am adaugat acum! 😀

    Apreciat de 1 persoană

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