Cum sa iti faci ordine in dulap/How to clean out your closet

Buna fetelor!/ Hey girls!

Astept cu nerabdare primavara, florile, razele de soare, caldura, sa privesc cum natura se trezeste la viata. Totul pare mai frumos primavara!
I can barely wait for the spring to come: the flowers, the sunshine, the nice weather, the nature coming back to life. When spring comes everything is more beautiful!


sursa foto/ photo source: aici/here

In fiecare toamna si primavara imi place sa imi reorganizez dulapul, sa fac rocada intre hainele groase si cele subtiri, sa duc la ajustat hainele care necesita modificari si sa donez ceea ce nu port. Usor de zis, dar un pic mai greu de facut, mai ales ultima parte :).

Every autumn and spring I like to organise my wardrobe, switch the light clothes with the cozy ones, adjust the clothes that don’t fit me well and to donate the ones that I don’t wear anymore. Easy to say, but a little harder to do, at least the last part :).


sursa foto/ photo source: aici/ here

Pentru a duce la bun sfarsit aceasta actiune, sunt cateva lucruri de care tin cont. Acestea sunt:
In order to manage to organize and clean my closet, there are some tips that I have in sight. These are:

1. Imparte hainele pe anotimpuri (primavara-vara si toamna-iarna)/Keep your closet seasonal (spring-summer and fall-winter)

Si aici ma refer la faptul ca nu are nici un rost sa tinem in dulap haine de iarna pe perioada verii de exemplu, in primul rand pentru ca nu le vom purta, in al doilea rand ar ocupa spatiul inutil si in al treilea rand, pentru ca ne impiedica sa vizualizam mai bine si sa trecem in revista hainele de vara. Acestea pot fi depozitate in debara, intr-un alt dulap, in cutii sau in saci pentru a economisi spatiul.

And what I mean by this is that there is no point to keep in the closet the clothes you wear at winter in the summer time, in the first place because we will not wear them, second because it’s a waist of space and in the third place they can hold us back from a proper look over of the summer clothes. These items, from the previous season can be stored in the basement, a second closet, in a storage or where ever we have some room to store.


sursa foto/ photo source: aici/here

2. Imparte hainele pe categorii: de pastrat, donatii, pentru croitorie/ Make the following categories: donate, keep, tailoring

Pentru a-ti organiza munca fa 3 teancuri de haine: haine pe care le pastrezi, haine pe care le donezi si haine care trebuiesc retusate/ modificate la croitor.

To simplify your work make 3 categories: clothes to donate, clothes to keep and clothes that need some tailoring.


sursa foto/photo source: aici/ here

3.Doneaza hainele care nu iti vin/ If it doesn’t fit you, get rid of it

Daca ai slabit sau te-ai ingrasat in ultimul an si nu iti mai vin anumite haine, nu are rost sa le pastrezi. In schimb daca ai un articol vestimentar care nu iti vine, dar iti place si vrei sa slabesti, ca sa iti vina din nou, este ok, poti pastra haina respectiva, dar nu in dulap, ci intr-o cutie sau alt loc, deoarece daca o tii in dulap si o vezi de fiecare data cand deschizi dulapul, nu o sa iti fie de ajutor acest lucru.

If you lost or gained weight, and some items doesn’t fit you right now, you should get rid of them. If you have an item that you really like, and it doesn’t fit you now, but you want to loose weight to fit in again, it’s ok to keep it, but not in the wardorbe, but in a box, because seeing that item in the closet won’t make you feel good.

4.Daca nu ai purtat un articol vestimentar in ultimul an, acesta trebuie sa „plece” spre un nou stapan/ If you haven’t worn it in the last year, get rid of it

Fa o analiza a fiecarui articol din dulap si in cazul in care constati ca nu ai purtat haina respectiva in ultimul an (adica timp de 4 anotimpuri), este un semn clar ca aceasta trebuia sa „plece” spre un nou proprietar. Cu siguranta nu o vei purta nici anul urmator! 🙂

Analyse each item from your wardrobe, and if you discover that you haven’t worn it for the past year (I mean in the past 4 seasons), that’s a quite clear sign that you have to get rid of it. It’s obvious that you will not wear it in the next year either! 🙂

5.Fa o cutie speciala cu hainele de care esti legata sentimental/ Store sentimental clothes in a box


sursa foto/ photo source: aici/ here

Daca esti o persoana care se ataseaza sentimental de obiecte vestimentare, fa o cutie in care sa pastrezi aceste articole. In dulap ar trebui sa pastrezi doar haine care ti se potrivesc si pe care le porti.

If you are the kind of person that gets emotionally attached to clothes, you should put those in a box. You must keep in your wardrobe only clothes that you wear and that fit you.

6. Aminteste-ti sa faci ordine si la pantofi si accesorii/ Remember to clean out your shoes and accessories

De fiecare data cand faci ordine in dulap, aminteste-ti sa organizezi si pantofii si accesoriile, ghidandu-te si in acest caz dupa punctele de mai sus.

Everytime that you clean out your closet, remember to organize your shoes and accessories too, and guide yourself by the same tips that are mentioned above.


sursa foto/ photo source: aici/ here

Ar fi indicat sa te apuci de curatenia in dulap in compania celei mai bune prietene, a surorii sau a mamei pentru a te ajuta in luarea deciziilor. Cineva din exterior va putea fi mai obiectiv in a stabili daca un articol arata bine pe tine sau daca ti se potriveste.

It can be helpful if you have a friend, a sister or your mom assisting you while you are cleaning out your closet. They can tell you if an item looks good on you or it fits you.


sursa foto/ photo source: aici/ here

Cam atat pentru azi fetelor! Sper ca v-am fost de folos cu aceasta postare si ne „vedem” data viitoare :)!

That’s all for today dolls! I hope you like this post and find it useful :).See you next time!

Aveti grija de voi/ Take care,
